Meet Our Veterinarian

Tai Curry, Veterinarian & Owner
Tai Curry DVM is originally a native of Mississippi and a 2008 graduate of Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine. In Mississippi, she owned a mobile equine practice taking emergency call and practiced small animal general medicine and surgery. In 2018, she began working solely in small animal emergency medicine and surgery here in Lakeland. During the height of the pandemic, Dr Curry recognized the need for pet owners seeking emergency care in the Lakeland area. That’s when the idea of VETS ER was born! Dr Curry’s interests focus on surgery and triage care. When not saving lives, Dr Curry has a small farm in Lakeland where she enjoys time spent with her son, horses, barn cat named Stage 5, and dogs, Lumos (chihuahua) and Frog Potato (bully).